Friday, March 21, 2014

Worst Blogger Ever for the Best Possible Reason

I am the worst Blogger ever. Two posts in, and then nothin'. But the truth is, that I haven't been sitting long enough to write! Since I've started my 30 day I have found that I have limitless energy, and I no longer feel like I would rather sit at home on my computer. It's a beautiful thing :)

Now that it's getting nice out, this newfound youth is especially useful! I can work all day, go to the gym, go ride my horse, make dinner and more without flagging. I don't even suffer the post-lunch crash anymore, it's great!

The past two days, I tried deep cleansing for the first time. That's right, I didn't eat anything for two straight days. The best part was, I wasn't hungry OR malnourished (I take that back - the best part is that this cleanse is not a "dirty" OR "I'm going to feel sick all day" type of cleanse).  The cleanse product I use encourages your body to "turn on" the fat burners to accelerate weight and inches loss. Since last Saturday, I cut 6.4 pounds and 7 inches from my body! That's pretty incredible. What's more incredible is when I measured myself last Saturday, I found I had mostly maintained my results from my first go at this system, back in August 2013!

I am ready for whatever gets thrown at me. I am leaner, more healthy, and I'll be ready for summer in no time!

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